Twenty-One Years Old Resolution: Be the Best that I can be.
And be much more muchier.
I'm a sucker for quotes. And Dreams. And Art. But I'm a huge sucker for quotes. So naturally, Johnny Depp drew me in with this from "Alice in Wonderland"....
"You used to be much more muchier. You've lost your muchness"
Basically, Mad Hatter is saying "What in the world happened to you?! You used to be so intriguing and full of life!" And so this year, I am in finding my muchness. Because I have become a little too efficient, a little too busy, a little too boring. I am finding my muchness in a year-long resolution.
I have never been a fan of new years resolutions--to cliche....I guess. But anywho, I decided to do a sort of year-long resolution for my 21st year of life. Every month I have decided to challenge myself. Some things are just things that I love; and a part of being muchier is living your life richly. And other things are healthy, interesting, or, just plain soul-healthy. I'm doing this because I really want to enjoy the world, the people, and beautiful things in my life. I don't want to let it keep passing me by.
January: Make a list of 5 things I am thankful for
February: Make a new habit (27 days!): Work out for a month!
March: Take a picture of something every day & scrapbook on it.
April: Make a list of 3 impossible things every day before breakfast
May: Cook something different every week for a month
June: Write letters
August: Don’t eat out & no fast food
September: Don’t buy any clothes
October: Listen to a new song every day for a month
November: Volunteer!!
December: Learn a new word in the dictionary for a month
So today, on my 21st birthday, I am starting a blog.
Bring on the muchness.
And cheers to being Twenty and One Forever. :)