Friday, February 4, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things.

A few days ago I lost my little pages that I had been recording the things I am thankful for everyday....and I assure you that I was furious and almost a little bit crazy. But then I found the pages, and all was well once again. 

But I kinda chuckled at myself. Like "Whoa Rachel, just chill out. Why are those little pages so important anyways?" Why were they so important? Anywho, I found my little pages and I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things that I have been thankful for: 

Good discussion with an unexpected friend.
I love that girl. And we had the most perfect talk at the most perfect time. And I was way thankful for that. :) 
Productive days. 
I actually have been thankful for that in some sort of way several times, so I feel like thats important to me. To be efficient and successful in a day is a wonderful thing. 
Thus far in my life I never felt like music was in my veins like a lot of musically inclined people. But for some reason, it has played a huge part in my life recently. And I love it. 
I was thankful for tears. I know, so lame. But seriously, it is healthy to cry every once in a while. I saw someone close to me cry and it was a really tender moment. And I'm thankful I was able to share it with them.
Professors and Mentors. 
These were actually two different people and on two different days, but boy was I thankful for them. One of them helped me sort my life and tell me that I am graduating in Ma 2012!! And the other person really just calmed my fears and gave me new strength. 

Also, I made a journal! I was so excited about it! It's called a Coptic Stitch journal and its really B.A. When I get a free minute I will transfer all the things I was thankful for into that book (because now they are on like napkins, receipts, and basically any random piece of paper I can find). 

Here it is!!!!!!!!!! It was really time consuming but I loved every minute of it. Here are the instructions I used to make it. 

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