Friday, February 11, 2011

You've Got the Nerves.

This week I had to teach a lesson in the classroom, 
Audition for a part in a pageant play, 
and interview for a job next fall. 
(well the interview thing is in about an hour)
And let me tell you....I've got nerves. 
For me, my nerves show in sweaty palms, that wonderful feeling of nausea, and frequent visits to the restroom. I cannot think or make important decisions, like what to wear, when I am nervous. The MINUTE I saw that I had an interview today, my stomach did an Olympic games flip, worthy of the gold medal I assure you. 
Sometimes I forget to breathe and I find myself doing these nervous quirky things like play with the lose string I managed to find on my shirt, or folding a paper up a trillion and one times. But in my moment-full (and week-FULL) event of being nervous I find myself turning to God. And this is what He says: 
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell Me what you need, and thank Me for all I have done for you". --Philippians 4:6,7
(Paraphrase by myself) 
Be thankful for what He has done....which should be easy since this is my month for being thankful. :) Score. Well, I'm thankful for this opportunity--for these MANY opportunities. I have the chance to go to school and have an amazing career lined up. I have talent that allows me to be in front of people and share my story through drama and acting. And now, I have this chance to be a leader and have another job for next school year. 
Thank you Lord, for what you have done. 

I've got the nerves. You got the nerves. What will you choose to do with them? 

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